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Friday, August 27, 2010


Man, it has been a while. Right now I am on a computer that does not like apostrophies so it is going to be a kindof odd post. Of course there may be a little bit of accents, but really...

So, it has been a really long time, so excuses first:
Sunday (last week): Darien Lake
Monday: Darien Lake
Tuesday: Darien Lake
Wednesday: VBS Sleepover
Thursday: VBS Sleepover
Saturday: Cottage
Sunday: Cottage
Monday: Canada(apostrophee)s Wonderland.
Tuesday: My brother(apostrophee)s birthday, also... Not my day.
Wednesday: Okay, well, I slept until 4pm, sadly, and then I had chores, and then, supper, and then I was, by some insane way, tired, so, well, yeah.
Thursday: Not my day.
And that brings us to Friday, so...

I was watching a lot of VlogBrothers aka Hank and John Green, and (slash) or Nerdfighters. They are really cool, and they, well, they make fun of Twilight (or, as the people on say Tw!l!ght). But that is not why I like them. They are just kindof fun to watch. And their advice (or at least John Green(apostrophee)s) on romantic relationships is really funny. And watching them bash Twilight is not that bad either. Especially because what they say makes sense. -It(s) not that we look old, it(s) because we are old- John says when talking about Twilight. So, really, here is some youtube for you to watch. Monday I am in Toronto, so there will not be a post from me, but there will be more. Just be patient.

Thank you random readers. Or not so random readers.


Book: Not reading An Abundance of Kathrines anymore (But now you know why I bought the book), but still, Harry, a History by Melissa Annelli, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling, and Harry Potter Should Have Died by Emerson Spartz and Ben Shoen. (I know the authors now!)
Song: Err, some song from Glee (Lily will be thrilled)
Quote: It is our choises, Harry, that make us who we truly are. Albus Dumbledore.

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