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Friday, February 25, 2011


Lily-Bethany Conversations.


Bethany: ...
Lily: dot dot dot.
Bethany: ...
Lily: *laughs*
Bethany: *blank face*
Lily: *being creepy.. again*
Bethany: Don't we have something important to tell them?
Lily: This is quite amusing actually.
Bethany: I'M SUFFERING FROM FANFICTION OBSESSION. It's been 5 days since I've read Fanfiction. Sos...
Lily: I WON! (actually was Bethany saying that for Lily since she isn't talking AT ALL... *Pointed look*)
Lily: You need the other parenteses.
Bethany: Nope.
Lily: Yes, you do Bethany.
Bethany: I refuse.
Lily: You also need to put a capital B.
Bethany: There. Happy?
Lily: NO! I am not happy! I will NEVER BE HAPPY! I want to read, I want to read Zelda Manga.
Bethany : SO, Lily won this contest, which she isn't telling you about, and so we will post it here.

I believe that God sends you people for a reason: so that you can learn from them and teach them something in return. This is one of the things that my new blossoming relationship with God has taught me. The best thing I have learned in the past year is to trust in God. I liked a boy for my entire grade eight year. He was a jerk. I don’t know what I could have possibly seen in him. When I came to my new high school this past September, I was kind of miserable because I was losing this one guy. At my new school, I met another boy. This boy was intelligent, compassionate and most of all quirky, like me. Eventually, he asked me out and we became boyfriend and girlfriend. Since then, he has been nothing but the sweetest boyfriend I could ever ask for. He is so fantastic and such a good influence, but the best thing he taught me is to listen to what God is telling you and to trust him. He made me so happy that, being the Christian that I am, I realised I had so much to be thankful for. My wonderful family and friends, all the things I’m so blessed to have…the list goes on! This strengthened my relationship with God. Suddenly, I was paying more attention in church and seeking to be more active in my faith. If I had just listened to God and trusted him to guide me, I would have let go of that jerk I used to like and moved on. I would have saved myself so much unnecessary sorrow. God gave me my amazing boyfriend and the only way I can think to thank him is by being more faithful and trusting in him. I was clinging by my fingernails to a cliff; afraid to let go; to fall into the black void below me. I now know if I had just let go, my God would have delivered me to the light. Even if my relationship with my boyfriend doesn’t last, it has at least taught me something very important: even when things seem to be spiralling downwards, trust God. He knows what’s best. -- Lily

Bethany: So, she won the grades 9 to 12 area and she wins a book prize. Look out for more videos coming soon!
Lily, your infos:
Lily: Book: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkein, Across the Universe by Beth Revis
Song: Lumos Flies, by ALL CAPS
Quote: Redvines! -Harry Potter, AVPS
Bethany: Book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling
Song: Dear Harry by the Parselmouths
Quote: I want Hermione Granger!...And a Rocketship!!! -Draco Malfoy, AVPM

Goodbyez and look for more videos coming soon!

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