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Thursday, February 3, 2011

An Apparently Really Obscure Harry Potter Quiz

So, I, Bethany, being myself, got really annoyed at a few Harry Potter Quizes for being too easy so I made one myself. Basically, just sos you know, I hope to update this blog at least once a week now, but there will be other things that I thought of that will probably be included. Also, have you seen our newest blog? It's a story. You should check it out => here. Anyway, try out this quiz. The answers will be there eventually. Or just put them in a comment and I'll get back to you. Also, don't feel bad if you need to reread the Harry Potter books once you're done, or if you need them to do the quiz. Anyways, here it is:

1.       September 1, 2017 is significant for what reason?
a)      It was Teddy Lupin’s first year at Hogwarts.
b)      It was Lily Potter and Hugo Weasley’s first year at Hogwarts.
c)       It was Harry, Hermione and Ron’s first year at Hogwarts.
d)      It was Albus Potter and Rose Weasley’s first year at Hogwarts.

2.       In the Sorcerer/Philosopher’s Stone, after Fluffy, what is the difference between the book and the movie?
a)      If you relax the plant lets you through in the book.
b)      Hermione makes a fire in the book rather than a mini sun in the movie.
c)       It’s Venomous Tentaculas in the movie, but Devil’s Snare in the book.
d)      There is no plant in the task after Fluffy.

3.       Blaise Zambini went into which house?
a)      Gryffindor
b)      Ravenclaw
c)       Slytherin
d)      Hufflepuff

4.       The first Hufflepuff petrified by the monster at Hogwarts was:
a)      Hannah Abbott
b)      Justin Finch-Fletchley
c)       Zacharius Smith
d)      Susan Bones

5.       What were the titles of the books assigned in Care of Magical Creatures?
a)      The Monster Book of Monsters, Year with the Yeti
b)      Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Voyages with a Vampire
c)       Year with the Yeti, Voyages with a Vampire
d)      Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Monster Book of Monsters

6.       Buckbeak was renamed to
a)      Gideon
b)      Whitherwings
c)       Treadertalon
d)      He wasn’t

7.       The one thing all of the Lockhart books have in common is:
a)      They were not actually written by Lockhart
b)      The titles are all alliterations
c)       They’re all false
d)      They were on the class list for 1992

8.       Which of these isn’t on Hogwarts grounds?
a)      The Whomping Willow
b)      The Black Lake
c)       The Forbidden Forest
d)      The Shrieking Shack

9.       Which of these creates weren’t on Hogwarts grounds during Harry’s years at Hogwarts?
a)      Banshee
b)      Vampires
c)       Werewolves
d)      Giants

10.   Who are we unsure of what house they’re in?
a)      Ernie MacMillan
b)      Sally-Anne Perks
c)       Daphne Greengrass
d)      Lily Evans

11.   What animal can James Potter transform into?
a)      Dog
b)      Lion
c)       Doe
d)      Stag

12.   Which month was Lily Evans born in?
a)      January
b)      February
c)       March
d)      December

13.   When was Draco Malfoy born?
a)      June 5, 1980
b)      March 1, 1980
c)       July 30, 1980
d)      September 17, 1979

14.   In total JK Rowling wrote how many Harry Potter books?
a)      10
b)      9
c)       7
d)      8

15.   The “Final Battle” took place on what day?
a)      June 7th, 1998
b)      September 1st, 2019
c)       May 2nd, 2008
d)      May 2nd, 1998

16.   ‘Don’t call me Nyphadora’ Tonks has what ability
a)      Metamorphmagus
b)      Auror
c)       Metamorphmagas
d)      Shape shifting
Bonus: Name all of the Weasley’s starting with Molly and Arthur, and name all children and grandchildren. One point per person named.
Song Stuck in my head: Prerequisites, The Parselmouths, Time Turner, Ministry of Magic
Book I'm Reading: Looking for Alaska, John Green, Pride and Predjudice, Jane Austen
Quote: "Favorite Amy Mann song on three, one, two three. REDVINES" "REDVINES"
           "Favorite type of vines other than green vines." "Redvines!"
           "Favorite way to say red wines in a german accent." "Redvines"
           "Oh my god! Where have you been all my life."
           "In a cupboard under the stairs."

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