I'm really glad to see that it's not just me that's really bad at posting these.... Lily did post one last week though and I didn't do any.
So, I am just doing a quick note. I just think that I'll show you a acceptance form for this group that I've started. It's really cool. It's a Harry Potter Related thing, but you should know about it already if you know me personally.
If you know where to go, be sure to e-mail Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort's joint e-mail account: dumbledoresarmy_deatheaters@yahoo.com
Join the DA!
The Club That's Got Everyone Talking
Date of Birth
House (Slytherins need not apply)
Prefect? Y / N (circle one)
Blood Station (Pureblood Supremacist need not apply)
Do you enjoy Wizard Rock? If yes, what bands do you enjoy particularly? Do you own any CDs/MP3s?
Please Circle The Classes You are Taking:
Herbology (core)
Transfiguration (core)
Potions (core)
Charms (core)
Astronomy (core)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (core)
Muggle Studies (optional)
Arithmancy (optional)
Care of Magical Creatures (optional)
Ancient Runes (optional)
Divination (optional)
Please give available meeting times (eg. Monday, 6-9; Tuesday, after 4, etc) on the back.
DA: Dumbledore's Army
Possible Activities:
You are more than welcome to give ideas, and of course this won't be all of them. On the same note, if you are violently opposed to one, we won't do it but here are some possible activities.
1. Spell-a-thon. Name spells from their incantations, what they do, their names, what Latin word they’re derived from, etc.
2. Dueling Tournament. Did you see the wizard's duel Thursday? Did you enjoy it? Do you want to join? A full tournament just for you!
3. Wizard Rock Concert*. Field Trip anyone? If there's a wizard rock concert anywhere within 2 hours, we may go to see it.
4. T-Shirts*. Do you enjoy Bethany's cool shirts? Want one of your own? We can do that.
5. Read a Book. Chapter by chapter, we will dissect what JK Rowling said and may have meant, and possible why we like HP so much.
6. Movie Night. We can watch all the movies as we read the books. Chapter by chapter, bit by bit.
7. Pottercast. Do you like the #1 HP podcast? Come listen to it with us as we laugh with Melissa, John and Frak.
And so much more! Send any other requests by owl to dumbledoresarmy_deatheaters@yahoo.com
*Possible costs may apply.
Dumbledore's Army, Est. 1995
Join the Death Eaters!
The Best Time You'll Never Have
Date of Birth
House (Gryffindors need not apply- Unless you're a traitorous rat)
Prefect? Y / N Blood Status (Mudbloods need not apply):
When did you do your first Unforgivable and on whom?
Do you enjoy Wizard Rock? If yes, what bands do you enjoy particularly? Do you own any CDs/MP3s?
Please Circle the Classes You are Taking:
Herbology (core)
Transfiguration (core)
Potions (core)
Charms (core)
Astronomy (core)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (core)
Arithmancy (optional)
Care of Magical Creatures (optional)
Ancient Runes (optional)
Divination (optional)
Pease give available tattoo times (eg Mondays, 6-9; Tuesdays, after 4) on the back.
Death Eaters
Failure to do some of these things will result in the Cruciatus Curse; failure to do others will result in death.
1. Muggle Baiting.
2. Killing Harry Potter.
3. Torturing Mudbloods.
4. Kicking House Elves.
5. Spell-a-thon. Name spells from their incantations, what they do, their names, what Latin word they’re derived from, etc.
6. Dueling Tournament. Did you see the wizard's duel Thursday? Did you enjoy it? Do you want to join? A full tournament just for you!
7. Wizard Rock Concert*. Field Trip anyone? If there's a wizard rock concert anywhere within 2 hours, we may go to see it.
8. T-Shirts*. Do you enjoy Bethany's cool shirts? Want one of your own? We can do that.
9. Read a Book. Chapter by chapter, we will dissect what JK Rowling said and may have meant, and possible why we like HP so much.
10. Movie Night. We can watch all the movies as we read the books. Chapter by chapter, bit by bit.
11. Pottercast. Do you like the #1 HP podcast? Come listen to it with us as we laugh with Melissa, John and Frak.
And so much more! Send any other requests by owl to Lucius Malfoy or Lord Voldemort at dumbledoresarmy_deatheaters@yahoo.com
So, quickly:
Song: Bezoar Pills by the Remus Lupins
Book: One Day, by David Nicholls.
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