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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Well, I guess I'll start with answering to Betho's post.
First of all, my private school is not at all like the ones you're describing. They are not enclosed in any way or lacking many different ethical backgrounds (there were tonnes of international students at the BBQ I went to). Also, none of the people I have met there so far are stuck up or mean (though I'm sure there will be some, as there are in all schools, public or private).
No, you do not understand what I meant when I said we can't take anything for granted. We can not be sure of anything. Anything could happen. Yes, today you may be sure that you are going to age, but tomorrow you could just randomly stop ageing. And yes, today the sun may rise in the east and set in the west, but tomorrow it could rise in the south and set in the north. And though these things are unlikely, none of us truly knows the future, therefore none of us can tell exactly what is going to happen tomorrow, in a year from now or a decade from now ect. Not even Alice Cullen could be sure of the future because she only saw visions of what might happen not will happen. And these visions changed depending on what people did, which I guess shows that we are constantly changing our future.
I also meant that we should not take the things we have for granted, because they could be taken away at any moment. Life is the biggest one. Think of life as a privilege, not given.
That's what I meant.
I am defiantly paying you back for that tie, no ifs ands or buts. And don't lie about what the price was, I will know if you do.
That stuff about having a "mask", I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to be yourself and even I'm a culprit of pretending to be something I'm not, even though most of the time I'm me.
Once a week after school sounds good to me for band practice, just not on a dance day. Oh ya, and I'm not home from school until 4-ish I think, I'll get back to you on it.
Bethany, your mom is a teacher her job is to teach and preparing her classroom and the courses (is that even the proper term for public schools) is not teaching. That's just one of the things that comes with teaching, I'm sure your mom knew that when she pursued it as a career. I know what it's like too, don't forget that my mom teaches at a college and she doesn't get paid for all the prep work she does. A teachers job is to teach and the rest is extra.
Anyway, my requirements.
Song: None
Quote: I'm too lazy to look one up.
Books: LOTR (Lord of the Rings) #1. I dropped HP #2 cause I hadn't touched it in like 2 weeks, plus I already read it and I want to focus on LOTR right now.
I don't really have anything else to say, except for I'm loving this rainy weather! (what? I like rain!).
C U L8ER!!!

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