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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bad Bloggers

So, ya...we're bad bloggers... Anyway, our b-ball team is last AKA. we havent won one game, but we're getting better each game. I'm kind of sick and it sucks.

I don't really have anything else to say...again...


Song: Various stuff
Book: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (I have like 50 pgs)
Quote:Dance is the hidden language of the soul. - Martha Graham

Friday, September 17, 2010

Very Busy

Sorry peoples, I haven't been posting lately cause I've been so busy. I'm on my schools basketball team which takes up alot of my time and dance has started again so that takes up the nights I don't have b-ball, so ya...this is the first time I've been on the computer all week. I don't really have anything else to talk about except that Merlin is back on TV (Yay!!!).

See y'all!!!

Book: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (it is a long book!)
Quote: A room without books is like a body without a soul.--Cicero
Song: Various Wizard Wrock and AVPM/S songs.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm really glad to see that it's not just me that's really bad at posting these.... Lily did post one last week though and I didn't do any.
So, I am just doing a quick note.  I just think that I'll show you a acceptance form for this group that I've started. It's really cool. It's a Harry Potter Related thing, but you should know about it already if you know me personally.
If you know where to go, be sure to e-mail Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort's joint e-mail account:

Join the DA!

The Club That's Got Everyone Talking


Date of Birth
House (Slytherins need not apply)


Prefect? Y / N (circle one)
Blood Station (Pureblood Supremacist need not apply)

Do you enjoy Wizard Rock? If yes, what bands do you enjoy particularly? Do you own any CDs/MP3s?

Please Circle The Classes You are Taking:
Herbology (core)
Transfiguration (core)
Potions (core)
Charms (core)
Astronomy (core)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (core)
Muggle Studies (optional)
Arithmancy (optional)
Care of Magical Creatures (optional)
Ancient Runes (optional)
Divination (optional)
Please give available meeting times (eg. Monday, 6-9; Tuesday, after 4, etc) on the back.

DA: Dumbledore's Army

Possible Activities:
You are more than welcome to give ideas, and of course this won't be all of them. On the same note, if you are violently opposed to one, we won't do it but here are some possible activities.
1. Spell-a-thon. Name spells from their incantations, what they do, their names, what Latin word they’re derived from, etc.
2. Dueling Tournament. Did you see the wizard's duel Thursday? Did you enjoy it? Do you want to join? A full tournament just for you!
3. Wizard Rock Concert*. Field Trip anyone? If there's a wizard rock concert anywhere within 2 hours, we may go to see it.
4. T-Shirts*. Do you enjoy Bethany's cool shirts? Want one of your own? We can do that.
5. Read a Book. Chapter by chapter, we will dissect what JK Rowling said and may have meant, and possible why we like HP so much.
6. Movie Night. We can watch all the movies as we read the books. Chapter by chapter, bit by bit.
7. Pottercast. Do you like the #1 HP podcast? Come listen to it with us as we laugh with Melissa, John and Frak.
And so much more! Send any other requests by owl to

*Possible costs may apply.

Dumbledore's Army, Est. 1995

Join the Death Eaters!

The Best Time You'll Never Have


Date of Birth
House (Gryffindors need not apply- Unless you're a traitorous rat)


Prefect? Y / N Blood Status (Mudbloods need not apply):

When did you do your first Unforgivable and on whom?

Do you enjoy Wizard Rock? If yes, what bands do you enjoy particularly? Do you own any CDs/MP3s?

Please Circle the Classes You are Taking:
Herbology (core)
Transfiguration (core)
Potions (core)
Charms (core)
Astronomy (core)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (core)
Arithmancy (optional)
Care of Magical Creatures (optional)
Ancient Runes (optional)
Divination (optional)
Pease give available tattoo times (eg Mondays, 6-9; Tuesdays, after 4) on the back.

Death Eaters
Failure to do some of these things will result in the Cruciatus Curse; failure to do others will result in death.
1. Muggle Baiting.
2. Killing Harry Potter.
3. Torturing Mudbloods.
4. Kicking House Elves.
5. Spell-a-thon. Name spells from their incantations, what they do, their names, what Latin word they’re derived from, etc.
6. Dueling Tournament. Did you see the wizard's duel Thursday? Did you enjoy it? Do you want to join? A full tournament just for you!
7. Wizard Rock Concert*. Field Trip anyone? If there's a wizard rock concert anywhere within 2 hours, we may go to see it.
8. T-Shirts*. Do you enjoy Bethany's cool shirts? Want one of your own? We can do that.
9. Read a Book. Chapter by chapter, we will dissect what JK Rowling said and may have meant, and possible why we like HP so much.
10. Movie Night. We can watch all the movies as we read the books. Chapter by chapter, bit by bit.
11. Pottercast. Do you like the #1 HP podcast? Come listen to it with us as we laugh with Melissa, John and Frak.
And so much more! Send any other requests by owl to Lucius Malfoy or Lord Voldemort at

So, quickly:
Song: Bezoar Pills by the Remus Lupins
Book: One Day, by David Nicholls.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day

It was my first day of high school today, and let's just say it was the most insane day of my life, but most of all I just miss my old friends. I don't even really want to talk about it because then I have to think about how I'm going to survive tomorrow.
Anyway, I just found out about this kool writing contest called 3-Day Novels from a friend on Facebook that they do every Labour Day weekend. You have that weekend and that weekend alone to write a novel, which is...on the brink of insane, but I might do it next year. It will take some serious practice. The thing is that you can't have an idea ahead of time (which of course I already do). I'm also not a very fast typer (actually I never learned how to type) which doesn't help. And you have to double space, which I hate cause in books they only have one space; that's going to be a hassel. If I stick to my plan of working on my book (yes, I write) 15 min. each day (starting tomorrow) that should help, and if I also do little short works like...every other weekend and on holidays it would help. Anyhow, if you're interested, there is a link in our link box.
Song: Again, not really much of anything, more like bits and pieces of stuff.
Quote: Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone. - Christine, Phantom of the Opera
Book: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Oh, and another thing my family and I are doing is watching all the Battlestar Galactica episodes, cause my dad loved them and he owns ya. They are really great, but they're not for everybody my age (some could not handle the maturity levels). Anyway, I like'em.
I guess that's all for now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Well, I guess I'll start with answering to Betho's post.
First of all, my private school is not at all like the ones you're describing. They are not enclosed in any way or lacking many different ethical backgrounds (there were tonnes of international students at the BBQ I went to). Also, none of the people I have met there so far are stuck up or mean (though I'm sure there will be some, as there are in all schools, public or private).
No, you do not understand what I meant when I said we can't take anything for granted. We can not be sure of anything. Anything could happen. Yes, today you may be sure that you are going to age, but tomorrow you could just randomly stop ageing. And yes, today the sun may rise in the east and set in the west, but tomorrow it could rise in the south and set in the north. And though these things are unlikely, none of us truly knows the future, therefore none of us can tell exactly what is going to happen tomorrow, in a year from now or a decade from now ect. Not even Alice Cullen could be sure of the future because she only saw visions of what might happen not will happen. And these visions changed depending on what people did, which I guess shows that we are constantly changing our future.
I also meant that we should not take the things we have for granted, because they could be taken away at any moment. Life is the biggest one. Think of life as a privilege, not given.
That's what I meant.
I am defiantly paying you back for that tie, no ifs ands or buts. And don't lie about what the price was, I will know if you do.
That stuff about having a "mask", I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to be yourself and even I'm a culprit of pretending to be something I'm not, even though most of the time I'm me.
Once a week after school sounds good to me for band practice, just not on a dance day. Oh ya, and I'm not home from school until 4-ish I think, I'll get back to you on it.
Bethany, your mom is a teacher her job is to teach and preparing her classroom and the courses (is that even the proper term for public schools) is not teaching. That's just one of the things that comes with teaching, I'm sure your mom knew that when she pursued it as a career. I know what it's like too, don't forget that my mom teaches at a college and she doesn't get paid for all the prep work she does. A teachers job is to teach and the rest is extra.
Anyway, my requirements.
Song: None
Quote: I'm too lazy to look one up.
Books: LOTR (Lord of the Rings) #1. I dropped HP #2 cause I hadn't touched it in like 2 weeks, plus I already read it and I want to focus on LOTR right now.
I don't really have anything else to say, except for I'm loving this rainy weather! (what? I like rain!).
C U L8ER!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Million Things (including Sorry!)

So, it's been a while. It's Bethany here, with no excuses today, so you don't need to feel obligated to forgive me. I've been a very bad blogger. I'm SORRY! okay, Life, sortof, gets in my way. Well, not life exactly, it's more of not actually doing anything so I'm too lazy to actually do anything. WAIT! I did have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday that then included a x-ray because my left wrist (that I've fractured across the growth plate before) was hurting, and then a piano lesson and then my mom took me to her school to get set up (she teaches grade five). So I DO have an excuse, oh, wait. I was on the computer that day, and it wasn't like we were there until 7:30pm (that was Sunday).
So, anyway, while sorting cards I was thinking about a lot of things (also because there was no music so I was pretty bored). And here they are in a list for you!
  1. School, Public School to be exact.
  2. Growing Up
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Harry Potter Fandom
  5. I <3 Venomous Tentaculas
  6. Harry Potter Big Name Fans
  7. Harry Potter Fanfictions (by ME!)
  8. Why don't teachers get paid for their work outside of school times?
  9. "You shape the minds of the future."
  10. Heart, spade, heart, spade, club, diamond, diamond, diamond, heart, diamond, club....
  11. Club, club, diamond, spade heart, heart heart, spade, heart, diamond, club.
  12. 1, 4, 3, 7, 8, 3, 9, queen, 6, 7, 8, 5, ace, king, 10, jack.
  13. 8, queen, ace, 3, 4, 7, 2, 1, jack, 10, 5, king, 9, 6.
I was actually reading a book where she list all her lists to 13, so there you go. But really here are my thoughts on the things above (removing 10-13 cause there isn't much else I can explain)....

1. Why do so may of us hate school? I mean, it's not like we have much of a choice, so why not make it fun and enjoy it? Besides, once you get to High school, you only have to be around people you like, and who (mostly) like the same stuff as you. But, I give you, elementary school sucks. But there's also the Public vs Private school thing too, and the Catholic, and the Cristian (which I guess goes with the private thing too, but really...)
 Basically, most of my relatives on my mother's side are either Dutch Reformed or Christian Reformed. (Gasp! I know! considering that their all Dutch.) And that means that they are pretty set in their ways, and they mostly send their kids to Christian schools. Now, some of them are really cool, and really nice and I don't mean that people who send their kids to private Christian schools are mean or bad, but it's a little bit enclosed, I suppose. It's also kinda like that for private schools in general, and the teachers aren't as well payed (my uncle taught at one a while ago) which is something I think about because my mom's a teacher.
But Public Schools are awesome! I mean, they have a while lot of different ethnic divisions, and you meet a lot of cool people. (I am obviously pro-Public School). I'm not really against them, I mean, before she was a teacher my mom ran a private nursery school that I attended, but it only has specific types of people. Rich (mostly) to higher middle class, and sortof stuck up snooty brats. There are always exceptions, but for the most part....
Lily, as you are going to a Private High School, what do you think?
2. It kindof sucks to grow up, doesn't it? I mean, like, there's this really famous quote that goes 'Youth is wasted on the young.' Dude who said that, because I can't remember but you were obviously really popular, I don't know. I think that it's a little bit of truth, but to be truly youthful, you have to be a person who doesn't understand. As Lils has said before, you can't really take anything for granted, but really? Can we?
I mean, if you live for a hundred years you will know that you will always grow older. You will always start as a baby, then become a child, then an adult, etc. It is something that will always be there (unless you're Benjamen Button, but then, really?). You can always take for granted that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. I've gotten off topic, haven't I? And that's probably not what Lily meant, but she can reply to this in her next blog too.
3. It's the random quotes that appear in my head. 'It is our choices Harry, not our abilities, that make us who we are.' I think it's kinda cool. I also went to the Harry Potter Exhibition on Monday (and got Lily a tie. THERE WERE NO RAVENCLAW TIES!!! REALLY WB? REALLY?) and got sorted into Ravenclaw. It's partly because when ever I take an online quiz they say I'm in Hufflepuff, and for a long time I was okay with that, but I just felt the need to actually be something. It's not that Hufflepuffs aren't something, but it's the idea that Ravenclaws are always respected, as know-it-alls, if nothing else. And if there's anything that I want it's to be respected. It's a lot easier to be yourself online then it is in real life. But no more phcycology (sp?). What I mean is that it's easier to be smart, then hardworking (and maybe I am just[yes] and loyal[yes] and hard working[maybe]), or maybe it's a mask, but I do think that the quizzes don't really get into a person. I mean, I once saw something about Slytherins being the ones who have masks. And I sortof do. I rarely let my mask drop, but it is difficult. Bottom line, Do we really change by 1 choice? Do I really belong in Ravenclaw? Or do I belong in Hufflepuff, or Slytherin, or Gryffindor?
4. I feel like I should be doing more for the fandom that I want to take part in. I mean, you can't just read the books, and listen to Wizard Rock, and read fanfiction and just be. You need to do something or maybe that's just what I think... But what I mean, I may write fanfiction and go to wrock shows, but I think, until I do something I'm not really in it. I can listen to Pottercast, and understand all of their 'inside' jokes, and read Melissa Annelli's 'Harry, A History', but it's like I'm one of those who go though all this but I feel like I'm pretending. I didn't really do anything except write Fanfics in the Twilight fandom either, and it was a way newer fandom, and no one really cared that I left. I mean, I used to check Stephenie Meyer's webpage, my e-mail, and the Lexicon before I went to school. Granted, I'm leaving earlier now, but I don't anymore, HP or Twilight. Maybe the fandom is too big to do that now. I mean, there are millions of sites, and JK Rowling doesn't update as frequently as Stephenie Meyer did, but I mean, I am/was one of the ones who freaked out about the first pictures, I know what is, and when it was created. I was one of those ones who didn't hate that Robert Pattinson was cast as Edward, before the release date for the movie, or anything else about the movie was put out. And then I was just one of the millions of others, of the popular kids. And I kinda loath following everyone around like sheep so I quit. Twilight. And now I want to make my mark so I don't feel like I've been forgotten when Harry Potter goes through another popular route. Which leads into my next thing.
5. I <3 Venomous Tentaculas was a wizard rock band Lily, Dasha and I were going to start. It was really actually more of a joke at the beginning. We enjoyed our first show so much we wanted to follow bands all over the country and into the US as well, then we said 'Well, then, why not START a band?' and we said 'Okay.' and there it was.... So I wrote some songs but I really want to actually record them and make and album and put it on youtube (and now you know why) but we actually have to do it. So, we had hoped that we would have an album by now, but we haven't so we NEED to do it. Period. My house after school once a week?
6. I WANT TO BE A BIG NAME FAN!!! I want to be that important, and I want to have people look up to me and all this stuff, but unless I do something I can't. So I really need to either get a really good band started up, or a really good fanfiction or something! I don't have a plan. I'll just go with it right now, so what ever.
7. No. It's all about how I haven't even finished the first chapter of a story that I've almost written the end to. And any little plot holes. If you want to read some of my works press here.
8. It really sucks. I spent 7.5 hours at the school with my mom, and she didn't even get payed for it [I did]. It would be a lot of money to spend, but really? It's too much. She's been going to school for the days for weeks to set up her classroom but she's doing this because she wants the students to have the best start possible. The teachers get payed for 9-3. Anytime after school (and if your teacher is anything like my mom, it's 4, 5, ever night) is not payed for. Neither is weekends, or any work you take home. Teachers get a really bad end.
Now my butt's going numb so I will move, but keep the rest of it relatively short.
9. This is something a teacher of mine used to say. His name was Mr. Maclean, and he was amazing, and nice and smart and, just everything you want in a science teacher. And he was always saying something like that, about my mom. Or it was 'Your mom shapes the.....' and I really wanted to send him a quick e-mail that just said 'You were amazing, I will never forget you. And you know how you were always saying how my mom shapes the minds of the future, well you do it too, and you do it wonderfully. -Bethany'. And so that is something else I was thinking about.

But now it's 10:30, and I started this at 9, so I will just sign off after this quick thingy that I have to do...
Book: The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore (I GOT TO SEE HIM LIVE! BE JEALOUS!!!) and Emily the Strange Stranger and Stranger by Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner (This is the book I was talking about before)
Song: This is Never Going to End by the Parselmouths.
Quote: "Maybe you're reading Twilight now, and maybe you're watching Lost, or maybe you're stuck on Pokemon cause that game was pretty boss, but no matter where you are, or where ever you plan to be, you'll never be quite finished with your HP family.... We know that real-life hugs will always be better than a Facebook poke but thank God we've got those summer cons, never mind that I've gone broke. Yeah it can be sort of sad when hanging out means a Skype call, but it really makes it worth it since you're the greatest friend of all' -This is Never Going to End by the Parselmouths (I told you it was stuck in my head.)